How Wrestling Explains the World

Historical Episode


Monday Oct 22, 2018

The Wrestling Estate‘s David Gibb and Juice Make Sugar's Nick Bond are here weekly to provide a pleasantly in-depth discussion on a specific subject  that -- at least this week -- helps explain wrestling in ways you may not have realized.
This week, we're taking a look at the ways in which Epic Storytelling helps to illuminate some of professional wrestling's most consistent and most consistently infuriating tropes, as well as the role that both have had in perpetuating a culture of toxic masculinity. 
Don't forget to check out Dave's Follow-up Files on our Patreon later this week for all the news that's fit to print. 
If you liked our theme song, "Dog of War" by the Hell Yeah Babies, you should buy their album All The Things You Believe on Bandcamp.
If you like the show after the theme song: Rate, Review and Subscribe to us on Podbean, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and the Google Play Store.

Monday Oct 08, 2018

The Wrestling Estate‘s David Gibb and Juice Make Sugar's Nick Bond are here weekly to provide a pleasantly in-depth discussion on a specific subject  that -- at least this week -- helps explain wrestling in ways you may not have realized.
This week, we're talking a look at the ways in which the history of Vaudeville lines up with professional wrestling and what that might mean in the future. (Spoiler alert: What's ahead might not be so good.)
Don't forget to check out Dave's Follow-up Files on our Patreon later this week for all the news that's fit to print. 
If you liked our theme song, "Dog of War" by the Hell Yeah Babies, you should buy their album All The Things You Believe on Bandcamp.
If you like the show after the theme song: Rate, Review and Subscribe to us on Podbean, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and the Google Play Store.

Monday Aug 27, 2018

The Wrestling Estate‘s David Gibb and Juice Make Sugar's Nick Bond are here weekly to provide a pleasantly in-depth discussion on a specific subject that professional wrestling helps explain in ways you may not have realized.
This week, it's Enron: it's a story that fits right into the strange turn of the century world that caused WCW, Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo to self immolate at nearly the same time Jeff Skilling, Ken Lay and Andy Fastow's byzantine plans keep their company going started to unravel before our eyes. And all for exactly the same reason: egos unmatched by anything other than their ruthless aggression and need for validation from people they thought were cooler than them. 
Don't forget to check out Dave's Follow-up Files on our Patreon -- this episode's edition will be the only one available without contributing -- to which if, for whatever reason, you like the people behind the show you can help us pay for hosting by contributing (you'll also receive a shout out on the show as a sexy wizard, so that's something to look forward to.) 
If you liked our theme song, "Dog of War" by the Hell Yeah Babies, you should buy their album All The Things You Believe on Bandcamp.
If you like the show after the theme song: Rate, Review and Subscribe to us on Podbean, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and the Google Play Store.

Monday Jul 30, 2018

The Wrestling Estate‘s David Gibb and Juice Make Sugar's Nick Bond are here weekly to provide a pleasantly in-depth discussion on a specific subject that professional wrestling helps explain in ways you may not have realized.
This week, it's Fake News. If you ever wondered about any of the following:
- Why Alex Jones is so effective at constructing a reality?
- How the WWE should really act if they care about equality as much as they claim to?
- What makes the Owen Hart voice so irksome?
then, boy howdy, do we have a podcast for you.  
If you liked our theme song, "Dog of War" by the Hell Yeah Babies, you should buy their album All The Things You Believe on Bandcamp
If you like the show after the theme song: Rate, Review and Subscribe to us on Podbean, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and the Google Play Store.

Monday Jul 16, 2018

The Wrestling Estate‘s David Gibb and Juice Make Sugar's Nick Bond are here weekly to provide a pleasantly in-depth discussion on a specific subject that professional wrestling helps explain in ways you may not have realized.
This week, it's Mystery Fiction, so join us as we investigate every Murder, She Wrote or game that's afoot we could possibly think of while spending an hour or so sussing out what makes a great mystery stay with us just as much as a great match. And if you ever wondered about any of the following:
- What Mike Hammer and Lex Luger have in common?
- Which trope Hulk Hogan's heel turn took from Dame Agatha Christie's "The Mysterious Affair at Styles"?
- How can wrestlers use Columbo to make themselves better?
then, boy howdy, do we have a podcast for you.  
Oh, and just one more thing: We're going to post links to our recommendations at the end of each episode whenever possible, starting this week.
Dave's Recommendation - "Death in the Clouds" by Agatha Christie 
Nick's Recommendation - "Disturbed" from Season 5, Episode 21 of Numb3rs
If you liked our theme song, "Dog of War" by the Hell Yeah Babies, you should buy their album All The Things You Believe on Bandcamp
If you like the show after the theme song, rate review and subscribe to us on Podbean or iTunes.

Monday Jul 02, 2018

The Wrestling Estate‘s David Gibb and Juice Make Sugar's Nick Bond are here weekly to provide a pleasantly in-depth discussion on a specific subject that professional wrestling helps explain in ways you may not have realized.
This week, it's Cover Songs: We start off with the DDT and successful post-Jake versions/why they work when so many others haven't, Ric Flair's "cover" of Buddy Rogers' Nature Boy gimmick, Buddy Landel's cover of Ric Flair's gimmick and why so very few bands and musicians can cover The Beatles in a way that resonates beyond the original work. Then we end the show with an extended conversation about how the WWE's women's division has transcended their "cover band" status in a way that the men's division has struggled to over the last twenty years. 
If you liked our theme song, "Dog of War" by the Hell Yeah Babies, you should buy their album All The Things You Believe on Bandcamp
If you like the show after the theme song, rate review and subscribe to us on Podbean or iTunes.

Friday May 11, 2018

The Wrestling Estate's David Gibb and Juice Make Sugar's Nick Bond are here with their first ever intentional minisode, a supplement to the pleasantly in-depth discussion on what makes professional wrestling, well, professional wrestling (and, at least every other week) what that means for the world.
This week, Bash at the Beach '96 becomes the second entry to our wrestling compendium. We talk about the nWo v. T-Pain, Hulk vs. Hollywood and, ever so briefly, Steve "Mongo" McMichael vs. Joe Gomez.  
If you like the theme song, "Dog of War" by the Hell Yeah Babies, you should buy their album All The Things You Believe on Bandcamp
If you like the show after the theme song, rate review and subscribe to us on Podbean or iTunes.

Friday May 04, 2018

The Wrestling Estate's David Gibb and Juice Make Sugar's Nick Bond are here to provide a pleasantly in-depth discussion on what makes professional wrestling, well, professional wrestling. And what that means for the rest of the world.
This week we cover professional wrestling's long lost English cousin, Nature Documentaries. We'll get into the limits of kayfabe in the natural world with a CBC exposé called "Cruel Camera," whether or not David Attenborough is just an animal wrestling promoter with a charming accent and how long-form documentary nature series are like PPV cards. We also have A MAJOR, EARTH SHATTERING ANNOUNCEMENT at the end of the episode. 
If you liked our theme song, "Dog of War" by the Hell Yeah Babies, you should buy their album All The Things You Believe on Bandcamp
If you like the show after the theme song, rate review and subscribe to us on Podbean or iTunes.

Friday Apr 20, 2018

The Wrestling Estate's David Gibb and the Juice Make Sugar's Nick Bond are here to provide a pleasantly in-depth discussion on what makes professional wrestling, well, professional wrestling. And what that means for the rest of the world.
This week we cover Nick's favorite single piece of entertainment, The Music Man: Between Iowegians wanting to be lied to, to the striking amount of similarities between John Cena and Harold Hill, and the importance of a good lie,  we're here to tell you that -- by god -- we've got the entirety of River City covered just beyond that play button. Don't believe us? We guess you'll just have to listen for yourselves.  
If you liked our theme song, "Dog of War" by the Hell Yeah Babies, you should buy their album All The Things You Believe on Bandcamp
If you like the show after the theme song, rate review and subscribe to us on Podbean or iTunes.

Friday Jan 26, 2018

This week: It's the second part of our first real episode. Turns out there's just too much wrestling in the Cold War to cover in anything less than "a soul crushingly long time to listen to a single podcast episode," so we split it into two separate episodes:
Yesterday's Part 1 focused more on how using wrestling as a prism through which to view the Cold War. today's Part 2 will focus on how the Cold War informed wrestling aand its storylines as it barrelled towards unprecedented popularity. 
If you liked our theme song, "Dog of War" by the Hell Yeah Babies, you should buy their (new!) album All The Things You Believe on Bandcamp
If you like the show after the theme song, rate review and subscribe to us on Podbean or iTunes.

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